+1-407-669-6400 (USA)

Plan Brochure and Description of Coverage

Policy Information for Global Underiters Insurance Plans

Review the plan brochure & detailed information including policy exclusions for the Diplomat Series Travel Medical Insurance and other plans from Global Underwriters.

Insurance Plan Brochure page with information details that provides links to insurance plan brochures for Diplomat America and other Diplomat Series plans on this website. It should be noted that you should carefully review the plan brochure before you purchase any travel medical insurance plan. Also, the insurance provider has the right to change any of the coverage benefits and plan details, and also update the brochure at any time, in such instances, the updated plan brochures of the insurance plan provider holds good. Before you buy a plan, determine your need and compare travel medical insurance plans for any similarities and/or differences between plans. Please always refer to individual insurance policy brochures and/or policy/certificates of insurance for complete details about the best suited plan for your specific requirements.

COVID-19 / /SARS-CoV-2: Only Diplomat America and Diplomat Long Term plans include coverage for COVID-19 currently for the coronavirus global epidemic/pandemic, COVID-19 will be treated as any other eligible illness. The Diplomat International plan excludes coverage for COVID-19. The Diplomat GAPP plan offers NO medical coverage.